Please help get the word out about the benefit for our little cousin Charlie Murphy. Charlie is 2 months old and is battling with Biliary Atresia, a disease that is seriously affecting his liver. Charlie’s benefit will be held May 6th at 10 am at the Activity Complex in Burt, Iowa.
Charlie is the son of Jared and Alyssa Murphy. Charlie is a grandson of Sue Murphy, great grandson of Jim Schmidt, 2xgreat grandson of Earnie “Bud” Schmidt, 3xgreat grandson of Henry Schmidt Sr., 4xgreat gransdon of Conrad Schmidt, 5xgreat grandson of Dietrich Schmidt Sr., 6xgreat grandson of Friedrich Schmidt, 7xgreat grandson of Johannes Schmidt Jr., 8xgreat grandson of Johannes Schmidt Sr., 9xgreat grandson of Hans Heinrich Schmidt, and 10xgreat grandson of Hans Schmidt.